Journal Entry 12.20.10

I’m very excited about the launch of the new Film Trailer. I’ve been working night and day on it for the past week! I will be launching it across all the social media sites and hope it spreads virally on its own.

In Facebook news I have over 200+ members in the group and it’s starting to grow virally through members who are recommending it to their friends. This is awesome! and I look forward to seeing how quickly the community grows.

Twitter and MySpace are ramping up as I’ve just pretty much began to seek out others to follow. iTunes Podcast is coming shortly (come on already!). My YouTube Channel I hope will also pick up speed as I subscribe to other likeminded sites/individuals who might be interested in participating in the film.

My Kickstarter (coming soon!) site is ready to go and is very very exciting! There are going to be really cool rewards for those who pledge money for the film project.

I love all this social media stuff. Yes, it takes time to set everything up, to link each of them together – and I haven’t even done Tumblr, Stumbleupon, Digg….well, you get the idea. So many places, so many communities to tap into. But I’m determined that once I get everything up and running, linked and functional – that I spend 30 minutes a day making sure my communities, fans and peeps alike are all updated on the latest and greatest.

There will be news, updates, podcasts (my first!), contests, stuff to buy….I can’t wait to see my fans start to participate in the film itself. It will be an amazing journey over the next 6 months to a year depending on how lighting fast eveyrthing moves!

~until next time!

About Jodi Nelson

I am a filmmaker launching a new film project entitled 'Single Girl in a Feminist World: What Does A 21st Century Feminist Look Like?' By engaging a global audience of online participants, I will be asking virtual strangers to join in my quest to answer the question, “What does a 21st Century Feminist Look Like?” Utilizing social networks, crowd funding initiatives, web blogs, viral video, second life, flash mobs, virtual chat interaction and traditional modes of documentary practice, I will create a documentary film that exemplifies feminism in its profoundly new image.
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